In our course you will learn how to use our unique 8 step approach to:
Scan the market daily and pin point a short list of candidates worth considering
Identify and understand the different types of personalities of stocks you will encounter
Develop your understanding of the basis of technical analysis and how to apply our 8 carefully selected criteria to your trading strategy.
Put the candidates (or any other stock you choose) through our tests and make confident calculated decisions.
Quickly disregard stocks that do not meet the criteria you are looking for
Effectively evaluate which stocks will provide you the greatest potential return with the least amount of foreseeable risk
Manage your trades so that the odds are always in your favor
Plan your exit strategy before entering your trade
Instructor: Greg Goebel
Prerequisites: None (Smart Money Scanning recommended)
Outline: (See Fall 2020 PnP Course Outline)
The Patterns & Probabilities course teaches Acorn Wealth’s foundational strategy. In this series Acorn teaches the most reliable patterns in today’s market.
The course encompasses the five core principles of technical trading: Research, Analysis, Order Execution, Risk Management and Intrapersonal Management.
The course focuses on a step by step skill building curriculum for new and experienced traders alike. This course is a requirement for anyone interested in moving onto the two advanced courses, Finding Flags and Fallen Angels.